Test Analyst Automation Tester
Volvo do Brasil
Oct'2012 - Nov'2017
Tester/Test Analyst in charge of testing a complex global truck diagnostic tool, used by dealers all around the world, covering more than 5 Volvo's brands,
including the Global's Premium Volvo trucks, America's Premium Mack trucks,
France's Premium Renault trucks, Japan's Premium UD (former Nissan) trucks,
• Lead Tester for several Use Cases, responsible for reviewing and, if needed,
sending them back to the Business Analyst for corrections;
• Technical reference within System Testing team due to the broad skills and acquired business knowledge;
• Daily basis tool creator and maintainer, including: RECONN - a tool
designed to control access to remote desktop connections (written in Python and MongoDB); DOCOM - a tool to extract comments from automation testing
scripts to create human readable documentations (written in VBS); Environment
Tool - a graphical user interface database that displays information regarding
environment testing objects, like computers, trucks and RIGS (written in Python); and many more, mostly in VBS and Python;
• Automation Testing enthusiast, fostering all team members (most of them manual testers only) to learn and share automation knowledge for the benefit of the project and personal growth;
• Automation tester responsible for creating and maintaining several
automation testing scripts, using HP UFT (Unified Functional Testing) and VBS
(Visual Basic Script);
• Automation testing leader responsible for taking strategic decisions together with the Team Leader to ensure adequate software coverage and resources
• Responsible for training and assigning tasks for 7 team members in India, 5
of them full time dedicated;
• Contact point for creation and validation of Performance measurements,
using UFT and a VBS tool created specifically for this purpose that uses internal
Windows data (Perfmon) to automatically build Excel sheet graphs;
• Assigned to work with complex scenarios automation testing scripts and to review team member's scripts.