Mobile Developer
CUBE Robotics
Feb'2018 - May'2021
Kumasi, Ghana
CUBE Robotics Limited is a startup vested in robotics. CUBE's initiative is to solve solutions in Ghana
with robotics and artificial intelligence and also equips the growing youth with skills required for robotics.
⇢ Utilized the flutter SDK to build mobile applications.
⇢ UI/UX role - Worked on the User Interface for the ride-sharing app ekodot which CUBE
built for eko.
⇢ Android developer- Leveraged clean architecture in building ride-sharing app ekodot
Netflix Clone: Netflix website built with reactjs and firebase at the backend.
Amazon Clone: Fully functional eCommerce amazon store clone built with nextjs as the main
framework and stripe as the payment gateway. And tailwind CSS as the style option.
Whatsapp Clone: Still under construction. Being built with flutter for mobile application, reso
coder's clean architecture will be used and nodejs to handle server-side operations. A few new
features are expected to be added and pushed to the creators of WhatsApp for consideration.
Battle Royale Mobile game(Title yet to be decided): A battle royale game built with the unity
engine. Game concept to be based on my nationality with certain cultural values based on my