Software Application Engineer
AppsNMobile Solutions
Sep'2016 - May'2019
Accra -Ghana (https://appsnmobilesolutions.com/)
• Responsible for designing, developing, and implementing software applications.
• Conduct client analysis to create applications that respond to client needs
and provide innovative solutions to common problems.
• Responsible for an existing software application in addition to new developments.
• Perform debugging, testing, code improvement, and re-designing tasks.
• Work with customer service and quality analysis teams to optimize products and ensure
products stay up-to-date and continue to satisfy client and customer needs.
• Provide clients with ongoing technical support. This support includes responding to customer issues, providing updated software application that solves bug issues, performing
installs for customers, and working with the customer service team.
• Acquire and analyse customer needs and problems, making recommendations, where necessary, to satisfy client/ customer needs and develop solutions.
Projects Completed: Developed and maintained a fully auto-scale web-based system named
virtual point of sale system with a USSD app used by customers for making payments to the merchants. Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Elixir, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML were the technologies used.
This system demonstrated service-oriented architecture and focused on client needs.
Built, implemented, and maintained two payment systems namely ALEXPAY, KORBA. This
system was a USSD app that helps customers to send money to other customers and also pay bills and other services. Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML were the technologies used
Built, implemented, and maintained a web-based church collection portal for Trinity Baptist Church
with a USSD app for making payments. Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML were
the technologies used.
Industry/Sector Information Technology
Brief description of organization AppsNMobile provides payment gateway, USSD payment
apps, and customized software solutions. The vision is to drive change and efficiency to improve
lives with innovative information technology.