Software Engineer Intern
May'2019 - Jul'2019
➔ Built an e-commerce application for selling eyeglasses: used VanillaJs and Shopify.
➔ Integrated a virtual try-on feature before a purchase is made. This significantly reduced
returns of ordered eyeglasses.
Projects and Courses
Investing.Com (https://github.com/MasherJames/Investing.com)
➔ Scraped investing.com historical data and exposed it as a Graphql API to aid frontend
developers learning how to consume one and don't want to develop a server.
➔ Used Flask, Ariadne, BeautifulSoup, SqlAlchemy and Celery for scheduling periodic
Data Structures and Algorithms, MIT OpenCourseWare
➔ Learned different data structures and algorithms, their time and space complexity and when to use them.