Fullstack Software Engineer
PMT Technologies Enugu NG
Jun'2020 - May'2021
Designed both the Front end and user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies such as CSS3,
HTML5, Typescript, Angular, and Bootstrap.
● Applied optimization techniques to reduce page size and load times to enhance user experience using
● Applied angular services to implement async API calls.
● Used Angular 8 and Bootstrap as the front-end framework, with Typescript, CSS3, and HTML5.
● Used Angular 8 Template Driven forms and Modern Driven (Reactive) forms to perform form validations
both on the server and client-side.
● Used Bootstrap, SCSS, and Angular.js for responsive web application
● Used Angular-Router to turn the application into Single Page Application.
● Worked in using Angular components, Reactive Forms, Events, Router, Animations, and Flux concept.
● Extensively used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.
● Utilized Angular for its e cient data flow architecture to create a lightweight and render e cient web
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app that searched projects via the GitHub API through keywords.
● Virtualized the servers using Docker and pm2 for the test environments and dev-environments needs,
also configuration automation using Docker containers.
● Developed a backend system to record logistic delivery orders, calculating cost based on distance and factors of the goods to be shipped, booking of bus tickets, and also selling of bus tickets with MongoDB,
Node.js, Google Distance Matrix API, ExpressJS, Redis for caching and packages like XLSX, CSV to
calculate the actual cost of delivery and Async Utility Module for handling asynchronous operations in JavaScript.
● Improved Operational Work by building an enterprise resource planning software to manage day-to-day
activities of the head company which involves building multiple dashboards and e-workspace for di erent subsidiaries.
● Built charts with ng-charts, chart.js. Zingchart, and Google charts for viewing and analyzing operational
● Optimized app images by converting large-size images to more web-friendly JPEG, PNG, and WebP of varying dimensions, using Sharp, a popular high-performance Node.js module. Retrieving the images
from the AWS S3 bucket optimize them with the library and upload them into a di erent bucket