Mazdak .

Mazdak .

  • Heidelberg, Germany
  • **** **** ****
  • 4 yrs Experience
  • ASAP
  • Lead

I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated, responsible and hard working person. adaptable to all challenging situations , solution provider with experience in architecting applications from scratch , have analytical mindset to consider future needs , self-taught and confident .my tendency is toward backend and logical decisions , business flow and algorithm creation and work with data . very good in front (most common problem in companies is frontend) , also ready for demanding positions , I am technology agnostic. my main ability is can read documents and implement solutions .

Work & Experience


Lead Software Engineer Frontend Focus
Jan'2021 - Jun'2022
Implement, architecture, develop and maintain a huge application in vuejs and python stack (not python developer yet), Establish robust documentation, git approcah and ow, data collection and data engineering with go and related libraries, also help to the team to Build foundations in a startup such as jira structure generate and produce task generation, task creaion, work ows, help team in recruiting Processes, Result contains more than 1000 reusable components with robust Structure to help maintainbility and extendibility in future and work uently with hundreds of heavy api requests

Backend Developer

Jul'2020 - Nov'2021
An ai based company with focus in iran active in stocks market and algorithmic trade and exchange Develop mesh of microservices with kafka and nestjs with sql databases. The product collect more than 13000 companies information through websockets, then data refinement and tons of writing, cron jobs and notification center to inform company agents about ai microservices decision Help team move toward new and suitable tech stacks with nodejs (my suggestion was golang). Establish documentation and boilerplates which help team to establish and publish microservices in short time that were adjustable and maintainable

Full Stack Developer

Jan'2020 - Sep'2020
An active company in beauty and crm provider for sellers and buyers in beauty industry Develop webiste builder for customers of company with nextjs as ssg builder with material-ui panel and nestjs backend Develop and maintain current code and refactor some part of current system built crm builder in front with cra and redux which let you built new instance of application with config files Doument current system and taught 3 trainees

Frontend Developer

Jan'2019 - Nov'2019
One of hauwer branch in iran that provide back systemof company consist of accounting and managing system erp provider Develop spa with cra for maintain system Develop spa with cra with heavy load of data and forms for erp

Full Stack Developer

Mar'2018 - Dec'2018
Tehran municipality system provider, automation, back office, apps , help with migration from old and deprecated tech stacks - develop back office system with vuejs and nodejs with many different databases doument and boiler code also cover 3 trainees

Professional Skills

  • Nuxt.js 0 year(s)
  • Docker 0 year(s)
  • Next.js 0 year(s)
  • SQL 0 year(s)
  • MongoDB 0 year(s)
  • NoSQL 0 year(s)
  • Nginx 0 year(s)
  • Redux 0 year(s)
  • ERP 0 year(s)
  • Kubernetes 0 year(s)
  • JIRA 0 year(s)
  • Golang 0 year(s)
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