IT Instructor
The Emmakulate
Oct'2014 - Jan'2017
â—† Teach students on Fundamentals of programming, Web development, IT Essentials.
â—† Design of course content and materials to aid learning.
â—† Deliver classroom training in all parastatals.
â—† Proper ICT Lab networking and maintenance.
â—† Prepare, administer and mark tests and examination papers using Computer Based Test (CBT) to evaluate
students' progress.
â—† Provide consultation services to Nigerian Army schools.
â—† Advise students on career decisions pertaining to Information Technology(IT)
â—† Keeping adequate school records, providing weekly reports and implementing feedback.
â—† Train students in preparation for Microsoft IT certification and diverse IT competitions.
2 |Akande Imisioluwa Afolabi (+234)7, (+234)8