Ahmed .

Ahmed .

  • Sr. Frontend Web Developer
  • Giza, Egypt
  • **** **** ****
  • 5 yrs Experience
  • ASAP
  • Senior

Highly Skilled Information Technology professional with a strong experience and knowledge creating top-quality, and high-performance web applications. Bringing more than 5 years' experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and more than 4 years' experience in Angular. A hard working, and self-motivated individual that is an active team member with a strong technical skill-set, attention to detail and fast learning



Electronics Engineering & Communication Technology

Modern Academy , Bachelor's Degree

Work & Experience


Frontend Web Developer

ATIS Software Factory
Jan'2022 - Present
Responsibilities: establishing and supporting all clients' apps (management + internal systems + public community interaction) almost all of them in Italy (working on both languages Italy and English) also upgrading clients' old apps from earlier Angular versions(1.xx, 2.xx) to the most recent versions (13, 14) and upgrading the dependencies as well. Technologies: HTML + CSS + JavaScript + Angular + SCSS + Bootstrap + PrimeNg + GitHub (for both code and workflow) + Postman + Webpack (module federation + micro-frontends) + Formly

Frontend Web Developer

Amanah Technologiah
Jan'2019 - Aug'2019
Responsibilities: establishing and supporting all clients' apps (maintenance + transport + etc.) almost all of them in Kuwait (working on both languages English and Arabic) also upgrading clients' old apps from earlier Angular versions (Angular.js, 3.xx, 4.xx) to the most recent versions (7, 8) and upgrading dependencies as well. Technologies: HTML + CSS + JavaScript + Angular + Bootstrap + PrimeNg + GitHub + Trello + Swagger + ng2-Dragula (drag and drop) + Angular Material

Frontend Web Developer

Jan'2019 - Dec'2021
(Senior and acting as Tech Lead) Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2021 Responsibilities: establishing the main app owned by the company (EngazCRM - real estate CRM system) from scratch using Angular version 6 and supporting it all the way with all other applications (Ticket Manager + HR Management System) Technologies: HTML + CSS + JavaScript + Angular + Bootstrap + PrimeNg + GitLab + Trello + Azure + Node.js + MongoDB + Express.js + Postman + Swagger

Frontend Web Developer

Codes Roots
Dec'2017 - Jan'2019
Responsibilities: establishing and supporting all clients’ website pages and apps (working on both languages English and Arabic) and during the latest 6-8 months I start working with angular (version 4) and created the official website of the company in Angular. Technologies: HTML + CSS + JavaScript + jQuery + Bootstrap + GitHub + Swagger

System Engineer

Hydro Comp Enterprises Egypt
May'2016 - Nov'2017
Responsibilities: supporting the company's servers for the governmental water companies and during the latest 6-8 months I start converting the interface of the user from desktop application using C# into web page using (HTML + CSS + JavaScript) and it was my entry to the web development world Technologies: HTML + CSS + JavaScript

Professional Skills

  • Javascript 5 year(s)
  • CSS 5 year(s)
  • HTML 5 year(s)
  • Sass 4 year(s)
  • TypeScript 5 year(s)
  • C# 1 year(s)
  • Bootstrap 5 year(s)
  • Angular 4 year(s)
  • Node js 1 year(s)
  • jQuery 3 year(s)
  • RxJS 5 year(s)
  • Linux 5 year(s)
  • Ubuntu 5 year(s)
  • Git 5 year(s)
  • JIRA 5 year(s)
  • MongoDB 2 year(s)
  • MySQL 2 year(s)
  • SQL 2 year(s)


  • English good
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