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Remoteplatz ist Ihr Tor zur Elite der Data-Science-Talente. Greifen Sie auf unseren geprüften Pool von Data-Science-Entwicklern zu, von denen jeder eine Fülle von Wissen und Erfahrung mitbringt. Beginnen Sie Ihre Reise noch heute mit einer 2-wöchigen risikofreien Testphase.


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Mieten Data Science entwickler innerhalb von 3 Tagen

Edén .

12 Jahre Erfahrung
Mitglied seit: Jul 27, 2024

Data Scientist with 10+ years implementing Software tools to Analyze Complex Data. Experienced in building Visuals and Dashboards with both commercial tools and Scripting languages (Python and R) and skilled in the implementation of Web Applications. Expert in ETL processes to furnish Data Insights, Analytics and Business Intelligence to support Decision Makers.


Adele .

12 Jahre Erfahrung
Mitglied seit: Jul 27, 2024

I am an experienced ML engineer. An experienced machine learning (ML) engineer with solid background in AI, signal processing & user interface. 5+ years of experience with algorithm development.

Deep Learning
Image Processing

Chris .

5 Jahre Erfahrung
Mitglied seit: Jul 27, 2024

Computer scientist and math enthusiast with a passion for machine learning. I am an expert in machine learning and in particular deep learning on graphs and other combinatorial domains (powersets, lattices, posets). I am eager to help you with your machine learning problems.

Deep Learning
Data Science

Amey .

1 Jahre Erfahrung
Mitglied seit: Jul 27, 2024

My name is Amey, and I am currently pursuing a Master's in Computer Science at EPFL (entering second year). Since I am doing my studies, I will be able to work maximum 15 hours a week during the semester. My experiences from doing various projects in the fields of Systems, Databases, Networking, Machine Learning and Data Science, along with my deep involvement with competitive programming, have enabled me to sharpen my problem-solving skills and have the know-how to implement my solutions. My confidence and enthusiasm to work with new technologies, ability to carry out projects as part of a team and meet deadlines and versatility, to a certain degree, as a computer science student lead me to believe that I will be a good fit for any prospective role in tech. I am currently looking for an internship to put these skills to work and gain experience working in the industry.

Data Analysis
Data Management

David .

2 Jahre Erfahrung
Mitglied seit: Jul 27, 2024

Hi, I'm David. My job consists in helping companies and researchers to analyse and manage their datasets. I am skilled for most data-science steps: data pre-processing, application of statistical methods, data visualization and results communication. After having worked for renowned research institutes like the Geneva Neurocenter and the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, I'm now working as a freelance data scientist for different companies and nonprofit organizations.


Philip .

2 Jahre Erfahrung
Mitglied seit: Jul 27, 2024

A researcher by training, a business services professional by career. I am always striving to help companies leverage data and quantitative methods to make better decisions. My years of experience in cutting-edge life science combined with my recent move into consulting will provide the one-two punch you need to gain an edge in our ever-changing landscape.

Data Science
Deep Learning

Jason .

1 Jahre Erfahrung
Mitglied seit: Jul 27, 2024

Jason Ola is a junior talent in front-end development, passionate about creating beautiful and user-friendly digital experiences. He has skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Angular and is a problem solver and excellent communicator. He loves exploring new tech and is active in online developer communities. Jason is driven to succeed and make his mark in the front-end development world.

Data Science

Julien .

7 Jahre Erfahrung
Mitglied seit: Jul 27, 2024

In addition to being a Master of Science in Mathematics, I am constantly acquiring new skills in software engineering and machine learning to maximize my versatility and performances at the intersection of quantitative methods, software engineering and data science.

Data Analysis
Deep Learning

Sergey .

4 Jahre Erfahrung
Mitglied seit: Jul 27, 2024

I am a Backend Developer working in the field of Web. I consider myself as a very ambitious, career oriented person, willing to accept challenges, energetic and result oriented, with excellent leadership abilities. I am a self-motivated, with the ability to work independently as well as part of a team. Languages: Python, JS, HTML5. Frameworks: Django, Flask, VueJS. Platforms: Mac OS X, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, Windows. Software: Docker. Storage: NoSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3. CI Systems: GitLab CI, Travis. Version control system: GIT. Fluent in Russian with a good command of English and Ukrainian.

Data Science

Marko Horatio .

1 Jahre Erfahrung
Mitglied seit: Jul 27, 2024

I'm a recent graduate of Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh, where I predominantly focused on theoretical aspects of the field. Currently open to try out different projects and meet with different technologies as I want to explore this beautiful field a bit more before I embark on future studies! Previously, I built assistive Bots for traders at JP Morgan, and automated text-classifications for energy trading firm Gen-I.

Data Analysis
Image Processing

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Data Science entwickler
PhpStorm entwickler
Image Processing entwickler
UiPath entwickler
Moodle entwickler
Protractor entwickler
Shell entwickler


Die Kosten variieren je nach Region und Fachgebiet. In den USA liegt das Durchschnittsgehalt für Data-Science-Entwickler bei etwa 115.000 $.
Für weitere Fragen oder um mit der Einstellung zu beginnen Ein Top Data Science Entwickler Bitte zögern Sie nicht, sich an unser Support-Team zu wenden. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mit unserem erstklassigen Entwicklungstalent bei der Umsetzung Ihres Projekts behilflich zu sein.